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7AM - 8AM: Wake up, enjoy breakfast and get ready for the project.


8AM - 10AM: Arrive at the project location, discuss daily schedule with project coordinator and other agendas.


10AM -12Noon: Work in the volunteer projects alongside local staffs.


12Noon - 1PM: Lunch break, relax, and rest.


1PM - 3PM: Continue working on volunteer project.


3PM - 4PM: Wrap up volunteer work for the day and head home to either host family or home base.


After 5PM: Your free time - use it to explore the country, culture, or just simply rest and relax.


Day 1: Arrive at location, introduction, assignments are given, studying of map.

-First assignment community, clean up near housing for 5 hours.


Day 2: 8am rise: 8 hour volunteer day at orphanage #1. Free time 5pm till 10pm


Day 3: 8am rise: 8 hour volunteer day at orphanage #2. Free time 5pm till 10pm


Day 4: 8am rise: 8 hour volunteer day repairing local dirt streets. Replanting of trees. Painting local buildings. Free time from 5pm till 10 pm


Day 5: Service learning day. Student must do local research within their concentration. Sets own schedule


Day 6: Free day. Students set their own schedule collectively. Majority rules…example= beach day


Day 7: Free day. Students set their own schedule collectively. Majority rules…example = museums and parks day


Day 8: Relaxation before departure back into the busy world of the States.

Example of schedule


The day to day agenda of volunteers varies according to the project, season and location. Here is a typical schedule: 


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