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Camp Wesleyana

Location: Guyana, South America

Thursday, December 7, 2017


Matthew Writes-


This is actually the first update Ill be giving since I returned home from Guyana. I took two trips this year: one in July and the other in August. Due to a few technical difficulties, the complete installation for the internet cafe have been delayed until further notice. To be more specific, the Satellite has been installed but it needs rearranging in order to catch the signal correctly. We have two options, either a new tower is built or we use an existing tressel. It would be tuff because wed have to empty over 300 gallons of water and remove one of the water tanks. We are currently waiting till the beginning of the new year to start this plan.


Humanitarian work will be done under Lion Ministries, Inc and technical support will be under Lion Telecomm Services, LLC. Might have a few more parties involved this time around as more people see the vision and understand the value of this project. If you are reading this as a result of another friend, they have faith in our project and so should you.


Click to see all new pics of the work that has been completed so far.





Thank you goes out to Joe, Joseph, Cortney, Roger, Ryan, Bert, Kathleen and many more....Thank you for your donations!!



Matthew is asking for help from all who are willing.The funds will be used to purchase the material, configure them, and also renovation of the building, where the cafe will be held. If you need a detailed budget, please reach out to our support team at

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